OUR 2023 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Jessica Weiss-Ford, LCSW, CCTP

SunPoint Counseling / Millersville University

While either providing advocacy, support or treatment via therapeutic interventions, organizations, or policies, it is important to value the multidimensional aspects of an individual’s identity (intersectionality).  This presentation will examine ways to acknowledge and celebrate individual’s intersectionality including visible and non-visible identities.  It allows open and honest communication and interactions on behalf for ourselves and others.  Biases based on focusing on only certain aspects of individuals and groups must be closely examined to ensure genuine and helpful connections with holistic, supportive actions following.  This presentation will discuss the social constructs and expectations that are internalized to create narratives that are productive for growth in diversity, equity and inclusion for everyone and all their parts.   

THE 2023 Event Speakers

Dr. Mitch Crawford

WellSpan Health

Cathy Bollinger

York County Community Foundation

Melvin Frye, MSW

Hempfield School District

Dr. Cherise Hamblin

Founder and President, Patients R Waiting

Anna M. Deraco, PA-C

Physician's Assitant, Family First Health