Parker Webb
Parker Webb is a community leader, activist, and life-long trans man. As Co-founder and President of Lititz Chooses Love, he works daily to improve the lives of the LGBTQ+ community in Lancaster County and surrounding areas.
SUBJECT: Learning Through the Biases We Have and Hold
Lititz Chooses Love brings accessible social activities, small and large, to end the isolation which had plagued our community. Lititz Chooses Love is also a hub for resources including training, literature, healthcare, and LGBTQ+ accessible spaces. You can catch him Wednesday nights and most Saturday mornings at Lititz Chooses Love Outreach Center (1258 Newport Rd Penryn) which houses a food pantry, gender affirming closet full of free clothing, and a book collection focused on LGBTQ+ and social justice issues to borrow from.
Wednesday Afternoon 2022
Panel - Learning through the bias we hold and receive.
Panelists share candidly about moments they’ve applied their unconscious bias to others and have been on the receiving end. They explore personal action steps to evaluate and reject the negative associations within implicit attitudes and beliefs.