Julie Myers, MPH

Bureau of Family Health
Julie Myers, MPH is an Public Health Program Administrator at the Bureau of Family Health.

This presentation will cover what is known regarding health equity for individuals with traumatic brain injury, highlight gaps in knowledge and the research, and provide practical steps for advancing health equity for this population.

SUBJECT: Advancing Health Equity for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury

Julie Myers is the Program Administrator for the Bureau of Family Health's Traumatic Brain Injury programs. She is involved in several grant projects involving education and training for traumatic brain injury, school reentry, and neuroresource facilitation. Her background includes teaching and public health research and education. She serves on the Board Logistics and Support Team for Pennsylvania's Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board. She is a graduate of Penn State College of Medicine with a Master of Public Health in Health Systems Organization and Policy.

2.30 - 4.00 PM Afternoon Break-Out

Wedensday Afternoon 2021

Traumatic Brain Injury and Health Equity

This session is eligible for 1.5 CEs.

Choose 1 of 4 morning break-outs.