There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for
5 to 7 June 2025, Waterfront Hotel, London
Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center
LGBTQ+ Pennsylvanians experience health disparities pervasively. This keynote will include both data and healthcare consumer narratives to address barriers to care head-on.
KEYNOTE SUBJECT: LGBTQ – needs assessment & health disparities: Barriers to Care
Adrian Shanker is editor of Bodies and Barriers: Queer Activists on Health and executive director of Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center in Allentown, PA. A specialist in LGBT health policy, he developed leading-edge health promotion campaigns to advance health equity through behavioral, clinical, and policy changes. Adrian administered data collection for the 2015, 2018, and 2020 Pennsylvania LGBT Health Needs Assessments. Adrian serves as Commissioner and health committee co-chair on the Pennsylvania Commission on LGBTQ Affairs.
How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamic s change? Find out from those leading the charge.
Please join us for check-in and networking.
This session will explore the various behaviors that impede efforts to foster an environment that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. These behaviors include conscious and unconscious bias, prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination, and microaggressions. To foster inclusivity and create a sense of belonging, various interrupters can be implemented. These interrupters include involve create an environment that fosters psychological meaningfulness, safety, and availability.
This sessions is eligible for 1.5 CEs.
Fifteen minute break for coffee, stretching, brain breaks.
This presentation aims to explore the language barriers immigrants face in the United States. These barriers may impact how they navigate simple daily life activities such as opening a bank account, to more complicated ones, including accessing healthcare services or navigating the legal system. The target audience will be exposed to a discussion about regulations that protect their rights to effective communication in certain instances as well as the resources available to service providers and the individuals with limited English proficiency or emerging English language skills.
This sessions is eligible for 1.5 CEs.
Choose 1 of 3 morning break-outs.
Enjoy a fifteen minute brain break.
Technology check.
Fifteen minute break for coffee, stretching, brain breaks.
Panelists share candidly about moments they’ve applied their unconscious bias to others and have been on the receiving end. They explore personal action steps to evaluate and reject the negative associations within implicit attitudes and beliefs.
Enjoy a fifteen minute brain break.
During this session, Jenny Englerth and Anika Jackson will share how Family First Health launched Connections, a collective effort by residents, businesses and organizations to build connection so families and community organizations can work together to enhance neighborhood health and well-being. Using the collective impact framework, the Connections team successfully engages in a two-pronged approach: 1) including community residents to identify community needs and make decisions about solutions, and 2) leveraging Community Health Workers to build relationships with residents and facilitate resident connection to various resources. Participants in this session will leave with a roadmap for convening a collaborative and mobilizing with residents.
This session is eligible for 1.5 CEs.
Choose 1 of 3 afternoon break-outs.
Please join us for check-in and networking.
While either providing advocacy, support or treatment via therapeutic interventions, organizations, or policies, it is important to value the multidimensional aspects of an individual’s identity (intersectionality). This presentation will examine ways to acknowledge and celebrate individual’s intersectionality including visible and non-visible identities. It allows open and honest communication and interactions on behalf for ourselves and others. Biases based on focusing on only certain aspects of individuals and groups must be closely examined to ensure genuine and helpful connections with holistic, supportive actions following. This presentation will discuss the social constructs and expectations that are internalized to create narratives that are productive for growth in diversity, equity and inclusion for everyone and all their parts.
This sessions is eligible for 1.0 CEs.
Thirty minute break for coffee, stretching, brain breaks.
The talk will evaluate stigma from a perspective of where it comes from and how to interferes in our everyday lives. Specific discussion will be around stigma related to substance use disorders, but it can translate to many other topics in our society. There will be ample opportunities and invitations for dialogue, and participants will be challenged to implement the gained perspective from the talk to create change in their lives moving forward.
This sessions is eligible for 1.5 CEs.
Choose 1 of 3 morning break-outs.
There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for
There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for
There’s such a thing as “too much information”, especially for
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
United States
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
United States
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595