2023 2023 Conference Schedule
You could earn up to 6 CE Credits for this event. WellSpan Philhaven is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists, Pennsylvania Licensed Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Licensed Professional Counselors.
Please join us for check-in and networking.

Dr. Jessica Weiss-Ford, LCSW, CCTP
The Power of Embracing Multidimensional Narratives
While either providing advocacy, support or treatment via therapeutic interventions, organizations, or policies, it is important to value the multidimensional aspects of an individual’s identity (intersectionality). This presentation will examine ways to acknowledge and celebrate individual’s intersectionality including visible and non-visible identities. It allows open and honest communication and interactions on behalf for ourselves and others. Biases based on focusing on only certain aspects of individuals and groups must be closely examined to ensure genuine and helpful connections with holistic, supportive actions following. This presentation will discuss the social constructs and expectations that are internalized to create narratives that are productive for growth in diversity, equity and inclusion for everyone and all their parts.
This sessions is eligible for 1.0 CEs.
Stretch Break
Thirty minute break for coffee, stretching, brain breaks.

Dr. Mitch Crawford
Evaluating Stigma
The talk will evaluate stigma from a perspective of where it comes from and how to interferes in our everyday lives. Specific discussion will be around stigma related to substance use disorders, but it can translate to many other topics in our society. There will be ample opportunities and invitations for dialogue, and participants will be challenged to implement the gained perspective from the talk to create change in their lives moving forward.
This sessions is eligible for 1.5 CEs.
Choose 1 of 3 morning break-outs.

Cathy Bollinger
Dismantling Ageism
Ageism is still a tolerated form of social prejudice that affects everyone and impacts everything, yet it largely goes unrecognized and unchallenged. This interactive session explores ageism and its impact on individuals, organizations, and communities. It includes activities for individuals to reflect on their own views about aging/older people and strategies to help organizations role-model a welcoming, safe, and respectful environment for all ages.
This sessions is eligible for 1.5 CEs.
Choose 1 of 3 morning break-outs.

Dr. Cherise Hamblin
Overcoming Diversity Inertia
In 2020, many organizations made statements denouncing racism and pledged commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion. In 2023, organizations are still struggling to bring these statements into action. In this talk we will discuss how lack of diversity in medicine is a result of racism and discuss actions to address this issue. We will apply a methodical approach to this problem, discuss tracking of results and how to iterate on the process.
This session is eligible for 1.5 CEs.
Choose 1 of 3 morning break-outs.
Lunch and Networking
Coming Soon
Panel - Being Bold
Panel of local professionals and community members reflecting on action and advocacy in creating real change in our community to foster inclusive spaces.
Enjoy a fifteen minute brain break.

MK C Strohman, MSW, LSW, HSV
The Current Needs of LGBTQIA+ Youth: Best Practices for Family Care and Affirmation
This session will provide an overview of the latest research around the mental health and school experiences of LGBTQIA+ youth. Additionally, we’ll discuss the importance of family acceptance and the significant impact of family rejection. Attendees will learn best approaches for building family affirmation and support LGBTQIA+ youth.
This session is eligible for 1.5 CEs.
Choose 1 of 3 afternoon break-outs.

Melvin Frye, MSW
Addressing Alternative Narratives of Men & Boys of Color Viewed through the Lens of the Black Cowboy
Those in power have a vested interest in socializing Black boys and men to act according to narrow scripts that support notions of Black inferiority. Rather than offering the lived experiences of Black men such as Black Cowboys, the stereotypical scripts about Black men persist. The impact of the lack of role models for Black males are infused with legacies of slavery, Jim Crow, the Civil Rights movement, and the current struggle for equality, Blacks are faced with notions of Black Masculinity being reduced to a physical body that is commodified. In this presentation we will discuss how social constructs influenced by stereotypes propagated within the media to fuel symbolic representations of the Black male experience. We will examine our own biases that may serve as a barrier for helping Black boys and men. Further, this presentation will examine ways for those in the helping professions to empower Black males to celebrate individual's intersectionality and start healing from the historical and current trauma that impact the lived lives of Black boys and men. Finally, we will discuss how Black Cowboys serve as role models who have overcome stereotypes to embrace their own narratives as Black men.
This session is eligible for 1.5 CEs
Choose 1 of 3 afternoon break-outs.

Anna M. Deraco, PA-C
The importance of Building Trust & relationships – Family 1st
Building relationships with patients is essential to cultivating trust and engaging patients more meaningfully in their health care. The ability to build patient provider relationships is enhanced through cultural and linguistic competence communicating effectively and having a cultural understanding of the patient. In populations where language is seen as a barrier, providers must go beyond translation and interpretation services, and seek to increase cultural understanding. Research shows that patients who engage with practices and providers who embed cultural and linguistic competence into their approaches to care see better health outcomes.
This session is eligible for 1.5 CEs.
Choose 1 of 4 morning break-outs.